22 December 2012

Something Christmas-y, or So I Tried..

So sorry for not posting as much! I swear, I'm so tired when I get home from work, I usually fall asleep on the couch, with my contacts still in, or I make it upstairs to the bed and fall asleep with the light on and still wearing the clothes I wore to work! :( 

I've been wearing this mani for a week now. It's definitely coming off tonight, though! I bought a few nail polishes over the last week and Essie Leading Lady is one of them and I can't wait to put it on!! This is two coats of Revlon Rain Forest and China Glaze Make a Spectacle. I tried to do something Christmas-y and thought MaS kind of twinkles!! I apologize for the extreme tip wear! I input prescriptions all day and it does a number to any nail polish I wear :( Plus my nails are getting so long I've been typing with the tips of my nails :\

And a picture of our tree!!

And some giveaway news!! If I reach 100 likes on FB or GFC, I will do a giveaway!! Spread the word!!

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