12 March 2013

Nail Pattern Boldness Bigger On the Inside

Happy Tuesday!! One more day closer to the weekend! :D I've been on a huuuuuuge Doctor Who kick lately, and I'm currently stopped at the last two episodes of season 4. Since I got into Doctor Who, I've been wanting every single Doctor Who themed polish out there! :D

So today I bring to you Nail Pattern Boldness Bigger on the Inside from the Time Traveler Collection! <3 Bigger on the Inside is a gorgeous, gorgeous royal blue jelly with blue and silver micro glitters <3 This has to be, hands down, the perfect TARDIS blue ever! <3

I used two coats for opacity and HK Girl top coat to give it a glossy shine :)

Nail Pattern Boldness can be found on Facebook and you can buy NPB on Etsy and llarowe. Polish retails for $9 for a 15ml bottle, and currently only llarowe has the entire collection in stock :)

Are you a fellow Whovian? Who is your favorite doctor and companion?

Until next time! 

PS Do you like the way this blog post is laid out? Just messing around with things to see what looks better! :)

*Product was purchased by me.


  1. i'm totally on the last 2 episodes of season 4 also!!! its so the best show ever.

  2. LOVE Doctor who! I even have a TARDIS dress and a sonic screwdriver. Love Nine and Donna(although not together for obvious reasons). And that colour is beautiful!

    You should watch Torchwood if you like Who.

    1. I want a sonic screwdriver! A friend of mine, who is also a fellow Whovian, sent me a TARDIS and Dalek salt and pepper shaker set :D I'm going to start Torchwood after I get caught up on Doctor Who :D

  3. Hey Patricia! Alex from Glittery and Polished! I found your blog from the Chit Chat doc, and I love it! You are followed. :)

  4. I love Doctor Who! All of my Xmas gifts this past Christmas were Doctor Who related :) I love 11 because he was my first doctor, but when my husband and I went back and watched all the seasons since 2000s, we both agreed that 10 is the best. Absolutely!


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